Posted by Monica Holman on Jan 01, 2019
Hyungeun Cho arrived from South Korea August 28, 2018.
Steve and I thoroughly enjoyed our 3 months as host parents, however, being removed from the high school scene for several years, we were anxious about how to make all the right connections happen for Hyungeun. We had a rocky start but soon found after registration, that there were plenty of resources to get the job done. Parent/teacher conferences late fall confirmed that he was getting plenty of help and making friends along the way. Homecoming was a great initiation into the high school scene, followed by Applefest and Oktoberfest.
The fall season was quick as winter graced us with her presence early on, and Hyungeun soon learned that his arsenal of winter coats was necessary.
October and November were filled with road trips- to Minneapolis to the Mall of America and science museum, Chicago for shopping and sightseeing, and Madison to visit other district exchange students. We also hosted a dinner with the other host parents to get better acquainted and show off our new chop stick skills! Hyungeun even got to go Trick or Treating with Brit and Chris and their children, which is his present host family. Hyungeun also was able to partake in Thanksgiving dinner and decorating for the Christmas holiday and even attended a wedding with our friends.
These are only the highlights! The entire experience for Steve and me was very rewarding and I feel we created a great foundation for Hyungeun's exchange experience. It is difficult to measure the value and growth that takes place from giving of your time, energy and hearts to the youth exchange program. We are grateful to have had this rotary opportunity! Hyungeun continues to attend the La Crescent rotary meetings and we want to thank each and every one of you for welcoming him in to his new rotary family.
Monica & Steve Holman